The MarketMaking bot is a unique solution for crypto startups—it's a free bot with open-source code, and your exchange API keys remain exclusively with you. It has all the features to control trading volume, liquidity, and spread, and to build an order book. The bot operates 24/7, while you monitor the results and manage the settings.
The bot supports several exchanges 'out of the box', and if it doesn't support the desired exchange, you can code the support for its API.

To launch the bot, you install it from a GitHub repository into your server and configure it. You specify the API keys in the config—the bot uses the balances on your exchange account for trading. It runs in the background 100% of the time and never sleeps, and you send it commands through the private ADAMANT Messenger.

The MarketMaking bot is a unique solution for crypto startups—it's a free bot with open-source code, and your exchange API keys remain exclusively with you. It has all the features to control trading volume, liquidity, and spread, and to build an order book. The bot operates 24/7, while you monitor the results and manage the settings.
The bot supports several exchanges 'out of the box', and if it doesn't support the desired exchange, you can code the support for its API.

To launch the bot, you install it from a GitHub repository into your server and configure it. You specify the API keys in the config—the bot uses the balances on your exchange account for trading. It runs in the background 100% of the time and never sleeps, and you send it commands through the private ADAMANT Messenger.

Main features

Open-source and free

A self-hosted mm bot

Price range setting

Easily to install and configure

Works 100% of the time and never sleeps

Initial filling of the order books

Placing buy and sell limit or market orders

Fully customizable

Market-making with 3 policies: spread, orderbook, optimal

Managed with commands using ADAMANT Messenger

Spread & liquidity maintenance

Notifies about balances and different events

Reports cryptocurrency rates, market-making statistics, balances, and orders on an exchange

Arbitrages a token price on other trade pairs or exchanges

Dynamic order book building

Next steps

Become the master of your cryptocurrency
If the bot is so good, why do you offer it for free?

A free bot creates a brand and increases recognition. It brings us clients who order services.

We also want crypto projects to have the opportunity to enhance the attractiveness of their token for free. We have been in this situation too and understand how expensive market-making services can be for a startup.

Completely free?
Yes, if you are not afraid of working. You will install the bot yourself and figure out its commands.
Then why are there paid modules?
Paid modules provide new features, making the bot more reliable and convenient. For example, you will be able to control the bot in Telegram, it will fight against "pinching" cheater orders, and learn to trade with two accounts. In the end, you save time and balances, and get more attractive results for investors.
What are the risks?

Trading is buying and selling. Other users also buy and sell. This means they can sell tokens to the bot or buy tokens from the bot. If the coin price changes, the bot might buy at a high price and then sell at a low price, leading to asset losses.

Any trading strategy is also connected with buying and selling, and you can run out of balances.

There are also other risks, such as software and API errors. Please note that you are solely responsible for using the MarketMaking bot.

I am not satisfied with the market-making results, what should I do?
The MarketMaking bot is not a guarantee of filled order books, large volumes, and a nice chart. The bot is a program that follows an algorithm and your parameters. A lot depends on the parameters, so you should understand them in detail and adjust them. Moreover, the bot works more efficiently if it has more coins at its disposal in the balances.
How much should I deposit into the exchange’s account balance for effective market-making?
This depends on the exchange, the activity of other traders and bots, and your goals. In any case, start with more than $500 on each side, both in tokens and in USDT/BTC. Calculate how much you want to place in the order books, how much in ±% liquidity, and what volumes you want. Assess the trend—will the bot be buying or selling? You will likely come to amounts of $3000 and more on each side.
How to make the market-making bot's work more effective?

Although the bot can work independently, it is most effective in conjunction with CoinOptimus, which adds "safe" liquidity (buys cheaper, sells more expensive), while the MM-bot does the rest of the work. Since CoinOptimus requires sufficiency of balances, we recommend running these bots on different exchange accounts so they use different balances.